“Burning matches” refers to the idea that in a long and demanding endurance races, an athlete has a finite number of high-intensity efforts or surges they can make before depleting their energy reserves and jeopardizing their overall performance. These high-intensity efforts are the “matches” that, once burned, cannot be easily replaced. Xert uses matchstick as an analogy to the different energy systems that cyclists rely on. Like the tip of a match, the phosphagen & anaerobic systems provide large energy over a short period of time – just like a powerful sprint. On the other hand, the long wooden matchstick is like the aerobic energy system that provides a long-lasting, but less-intense energy supply.

To make reviewing the XSS breakdown on your activities easier, the Xert Performance Management Chart (XPMC) will also display the XSS for each of your activities as a matchstick: