Training polarization, also known as polarized training, is a training methodology commonly used in endurance sports like running, cycling, swimming, and rowing. This approach emphasizes a clear division between low-intensity and high-intensity training sessions, while minimizing training in the moderate intensity zone. The goal of training polarization is to optimize performance gains and enhance overall fitness while reducing the risk of overtraining and burnout.

The concept behind polarized training is based on the idea that high-intensity efforts provide a strong stimulus for physiological adaptations, such as increased aerobic and anaerobic capacities, while low-intensity sessions support recovery and endurance development. By focusing on distinct intensity zones, athletes aim to avoid spending too much time in the “gray area” of moderate intensity, which can lead to fatigue and overtraining without providing maximal benefits.

It’s worth noting that while polarized training has gained popularity, it’s not the only effective training approach. Other training methodologies, such as threshold training, tempo training, and long slow distance training, also have their merits and may be suitable for different athletes, goals, and training phases. The choice of training approach depends on an athlete’s individual characteristics, training history, goals, and the specific demands of their sport.

Adjusting your Training Polarization

You can adjust your Polarization Level from the Goals & Settings menu, shown above. Simply drag the slider to the left or right to decrease or increase your target training polarization. The polarization range goes from 1:1 (e.g. high-intensity ride recommended every other day) up to 5:1 (e.g. high intensity recommended 1 out of every 6 days).

  • Increasing polarity will result in harder workouts on a less frequent basis
  • Decreasing polarity will result in easier workouts more frequently