Training Advice As Of and Training Status As Of are the same value and are used in the Training Advisor and Fitness Planner. To simply the understanding of how the system determines Training Status and offers advice, this user-defined time value enables you to decide at what time during the day should the advice/status be based on.
For example, you can set this value to 11:59 PM (current default), to have the system show you what your Training Status will be at the end of the day for each day when viewing the Fitness Planner. You’ll get the training advice (XSS Deficits and recommendations) based on that time as well. Note that your current Training Status or current Advice might be a bit different that what it will be at 11:59PM. Alternatively, you could set the value to 00:01 AM so that you get the training advice for the start of the day. This can be just as effective.
You can also experiment with different values during the day in order to assess your training status or the advice as appropriate for preparation for an event or for fine-tuning the advice you want to get.