Magic Buckets – The Evolution of the Workout

Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions when it comes to doing workouts: Why am I doing this particular workout? Why do I need to do these intensities and these durations? Am I hitting the workout interval targets sufficiently well and if not do I stop or keep [...]

2025-03-17T16:20:53-04:00Blog Post, Training|

Entering the Performance and Training Multi-Dimensional Universe

Xert's Multi-Dimensional Performance and Training Model About 7 years ago, we were the first to introduce a multi-dimensional Impulse-Response Model.  We brought in Xert Strain Score, i.e. XSS and the 3 dimensional XPMC.  Since then, Xert has been helping athletes quantify their training in unique and powerful ways. Over the [...]

Returning to Training after a Break

Introduction If you’ve trained for any amount of time, you have likely experienced some interruption to your training routine - whether that's a family vacation, an unforeseen business trip, or a unexpected injury, or just taking some downtime after a long riding season. While being away from your bike [...]

2024-03-27T10:20:27-04:00Blog Post, Tips & Tricks, Training|

The Making of a UCI World Champion – An In-Depth Xert Analysis of Loes Adegeest

Loes Adegeest Wins the 2022 UCI eSports Women's World Championships On February 26th, 2022, athletes from around the world competed in the UCI eSports World Championships.  It was the second edition of the event and in the women's race, former World Champion and professional rider Ashleigh Moolman Pasio (who also [...]

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