About Scott

Scott Steele completed a BSc in Biochemistry before earning his MSc in Applied Health Sciences studying under the direction of Dr. Stephen Cheung. He has been working with the Xert team since 2018.

Assessing Readiness to Train

An important part of all Training Programs is the need to incorporate day-to-day readiness into the program to guide what type of training should be performed on that day. In Xert, we look to model that readiness using your Training Status which uses your historical power data to estimate [...]


Multisport Profiles

The multi-sport feature allows users to track different sport profiles within Xert. Each user can have up to 3 profiles: Cycling, Running, and Other. Adding a New Profile To get started with a new profile, navigate to the top right-hand corner of the Xert website and hover over your [...]


Going Short… For Longer!

In addition to making cool-looking Xert Workout Reports, research has shown that micro-intervals are potent training stimuli. In this blog post, we will dig in a little more to understand exactly why those micro-intervals can be so beneficial to your cycling fitness. We will also look at Xert’s analysis [...]

2022-04-19T14:01:04-04:00Blog Post|

Virtual Paris to Ancaster Race 2021

Be a part of the first ever Virtual Paris to Ancaster All-Terrain Race! Xert is proud to host the 2021 edition of the Southern Ontario Spring Classic. We're thrilled to be a part of this year's event and hope to deliver a unique & challenging opportunity. The Virtual P2A [...]

2021-04-29T15:33:28-04:00Blog Post|

Starter Guide: Xert Sessions

Welcome to Xert Sessions! Most of you have likely used the word "sessions" in your training. At Xert, we're using this term to help distinguish between: Activity - Something you record on your app/bike computer/wearable that has all the data and information of what you did. It's a record [...]


How to Create Group Sessions

This is it - the moment you've all been waiting for! Group workouts on Xert are finally here! In this how-to article, we'll walk you through setting up your own indoor group workouts. Before we get too far, note that you'll need to be a member of a community [...]


Breaking Through the Xert Way!

What is a Fitness Breakthrough (BT)? Many software training platforms use some method to track your fitness progression throughout the course of a training program or season. Typically, these require some form of test - whether a FTP test, ramp test, or other type of testing. With Xert, we can [...]

2020-08-10T15:15:45-04:00Blog Post, Fitness Signature, MPA|
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