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Xert App Comparison

Xert App Comparison Use this chart to help identify which devices/apps work with your existing setup, or find which app fits your needs based on their capabilities. Feature Xert EBC (Android & Hammerhead Karoo) Xert Player (iOS) Garmin ConnectIQ Compatible Devices w/ Xert Workout Player & Xert [...]


Virtual Paris to Ancaster Race 2021

Be a part of the first ever Virtual Paris to Ancaster All-Terrain Race! Xert is proud to host the 2021 edition of the Southern Ontario Spring Classic. We're thrilled to be a part of this year's event and hope to deliver a unique & challenging opportunity. The Virtual P2A [...]

2021-04-29T15:33:28-04:00Blog Post|

The Xert Breakthrough Lab Podcast

Our customers asked and we responded.  By popular demand, we launched our own podcast where we discuss the amazing new insights into your training and performance that are provided through the unique lens of Xert.  You'll get an entirely new perspective on understanding power data from your cycling or running, [...]



Compare Plans Start your FREE 30 day trial Discover Track changes in your fitness, your training load, your fatigue and much more without having to dig through endless charts and scatter plots to see how you're improving. No [...]


Xert Athlete Profile – Hidehiko Seki

Hidehiko Sekiのプロフィール 仕事の傍らに趣味でサイクリングやレースを楽しむホビーライダー。日本で最も平均標高の低い県に住んでいるため、登りが苦手だが、スプリントは得意。「内房レーシングクラブ」という地元のクラブチームに所属している。 Hobby rider who enjoys cycling and racing besides work. Because I live in the prefecture with the lowest average altitude in Japan, I am not good at climbing, but I am good at Sprinting. I belong to the local club team "Uchibo Racing Club". バイクセッティング     [...]

Training Status and Form

This provides a simpler way to view current Training Load and Recovery Load. The number of stars indicate the total amount of Training Load you have accumulated. The colour indicates the Form.  Freshness Feedback is used to offset your Form proportionally using your individual Training Loads. Training Status Stars 0 [...]

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