XERT Athlete Profile – Israel Arroyo
Cat 3/4 Rider - Pushing his limits Israel is currently racing cat 4 (Waiting for the approval to upgrade to cat [...]
Xert Athlete Profile – Chaz Turmon
Cat-1 Rider Chaz races Cat 1 for the CycleSport – Specialize Pb Muscle Milk team. Most recently he has raced against [...]
Xert Coach & Athlete Profile – Richard Wharton
Richard Wharton Dallas, Texas Richard is a USA Cycling Certified Coach at the Cycling Center Dallas Coaches Love Xert "I [...]
Xert Athlete Profiles – Nigel
Nigel is a rider in his 60s who had a catastrophic injury. Overcoming adversity with Xert “November 31, 2013 I [...]
Xert Athlete Profile – Hidehiko Seki
Hidehiko Sekiのプロフィール 仕事の傍らに趣味でサイクリングやレースを楽しむホビーライダー。日本で最も平均標高の低い県に住んでいるため、登りが苦手だが、スプリントは得意。「内房レーシングクラブ」という地元のクラブチームに所属している。 Hobby rider who enjoys cycling and racing besides work. Because I live in the prefecture with the lowest [...]
Xert Athlete Profile – Hans Winter
Xert for Age Group Riders Hans is an ex-triathlete (5xIronman finisher) that turned to cycling after the second child. He now [...]
Xert Athlete Profiles – Scott Steele
Scott Steele Minneapolis Man of Steele Scott is a 22-year-old avid cyclist from Minneapolis who entered the sport only one year [...]
Unleash your Inner Cycling Beast
When it comes to road cycling, pro cyclists like Peter Sagan, Greg Van Avermaet and Philippe Gilbert are often seen as [...]
Using Xert to Evaluate your Cycling
Advanced Data Analysis with Xert Xert continues to introduce new concepts that change the way athletes analyze power data, uncover insights, [...]